Zsófia Keresztes, Jenine Marsh and Zoë Paul at Gianni Manhattan in Vienna. Each of the positions from Occupations of Uninhabited Space imagines a life, a society, a species, a realm as radically other.
Art+Text Budapest presents "Cosmic Green Solitude", an exhibition of two outstanding young painters from Cluj (Romania), Radu Băieş and Mircea But. The show features a selection of nocturnal inner landscapes and melancholic interiors by Radu Băieş, along with Mircea But's brand new Cemetery series, formulating the solitary visions of the rural graveyards around Baia Mare.
Something is yanking these men around, tearing at a pant leg, pulling at sleeves. Three bodies are under attack—but whoever or whatever is attacking them is invisible. Cast in bronze, the three figures, smaller than life size, stand on pedestals in KOW’s upper space.
Andrea Szegő took me to the Szemlő-hegyi-cave in a hot summer afternoon of 2016. The cave is a very pleasant place -14 centigrade- supposedly absolutely virusfree. The air has a healing power. The paintings, and drawings of mine (cave-art) are born out of the intention to heal.
The newest body of works Creatures of Habit of the collaborative artistic duo Pakui Hardware derived from the duo’s interest in industrial robotic gear – various custom made covers and ‘clothing’ for robots in diverse industries.
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