Áron Lőrincz's soloshow curated by Péter Bencze at Longtermhandstand in Budapest.

Áron Lőrincz: Pirates Not Dead
4 June – 4 July 2024
Curatted by Peter Bencze
Longtermhandstand, Budapest

In Lőrincz's latest works, he takes us into his world through the adventures of a pirate.The large acrylic canvases in the exhibition could be self-portraits based on this analogy, but as usual, the artist shows us a glimpse into his own jungle, shrouded in mystery. During his most recent residency programme at the Palazzo Monti in Italy, Lőrincz made several glass paintings that could be seen as flags of imaginary pirate gangs. One side of the folding screen in the centre represents the pattern of the inner predator while the other features an enlarged pirate flag with the quintessence of his alterego. As a conceptual background to the exhibition, it is important to highlight the allegory of the city as jungle. We can experience the choice of freedom through the adventures of a sinless pirate.

Photo: Áron Weber