Supermodels, a show dedicated to the wide-ranging concept of the model in art brings together 52 objects that could not be more different in their variety. 

Artists: Nicoleta Auersperg, Amelie Bachfischer, Anna Bochkova, Martin Chramosta, Bartosz Dolhun, Sophie Dvořák, Judith Fegerl, Werner Feiersinger, Karsten Födinger, Andreas Fogarasi, Franziska Furter, Thomas Geiger, Jennifer Gelardo, Florian Graf, Lucas Herzig, Jeronim Horvat, Cyril Hübscher, Chris Hunter, Monika Janulevičiūtė, Clare Kenny, Alice Könitz, Sonia Leimer, Cornelia Lein, Max Leiss, Sophia Mairer, Luiza Margan, Christian Kosmas Mayer, Laura Mietrup, Rainer Noebauer, Klara Paterok, Bianca Pedrina, Manfred Pernice, Bianca Phos, Johanna Pichlbauer, Heti Prack, PRINZpod, Boris Rebetez, Klemens Schillinger, Stefanie Seibold, Titania Seidl, Ekaterina Shapiro-Obermair, Kathrin Sonntag, Rainer Stadlbauer, Esther Stocker, Hiroshi Takizawa, Lukas Thaler, Sofie Thorsen, Johanna Charlotte Trede, Julian Turner, Marianne Vlaschits, Christoph Weber, Katharina Anna Wieser
Curated by Biance Pedrina
6 - 26 May,  2023
Kunstraum SUPER, Vienna


Supermodels, a show dedicated to the wide-ranging concept of the model in art brings together 52 objects that could not be more different in their variety. Referential miniatures meet small sculptures, sketch-like experiments meet precise renderings of reality; a range of works that explore both the known and the unknown.

A miniature catalogue accompanies the show, featuring all 52 works. With a text by Cornelia Lein.

Photo: Bianca Pedrina