Konrad Kuzyszyn at Pani Domu
Konrad Kuzyszyn's solo exhibition at the artist -run gallery Pani Domu in Poznan.
EJTECH & Tamás Melkovics at HORIZONT
EJTECH (Judit Eszter Kárpáti + Esteban De La Torre) & Tamás Melkovics's collaborative exhibition 'AGE OF STRING' at HORIZONT Gallery in Budapest.
Minh Ngọc Nguyễn: at NEVVEN Gallery
Minh Ngọc Nguyễn's solo exhibition: at NEVVEN Gallery in Göteborg.
Daniel Ferstl at Wonnerth Dejaco
Wonnerth Dejaco Gallery is proud to present FOR YOU, the second solo exhibition of Daniel Ferstl.
The Hungarian Cube / Modernity and Dwelling in the Kádár-Era
The fundamental idea of the exhibition is to explore a familiar, almost everyday architectural phenomenon, the characteristic Hungarian “cube house” (a house with a hip roof, the so-called Kádár cube) as an expression of architectural modernization. The exhibition aims to present the origin, development, and impact of this house type in the history of Hungarian visual culture through various artistic media and immersive installations.
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