Igor Hosnedl at Horizont Gallery
Horizont Gallery presents Igor Hosnedl’s (1988) debut solo exhibition „The Lecture of Wise Snake” in Budapest.
All The Beast at Antoine Levi
What is the purpose behind thinking over the duality between human and bestiality? The return towards a more scientific approach - rather than literary - about the study of mankind and its world, reveals us today a new path.
The Way Things Run (Der Lauf der Dinge) at PS120
Newly opened project space in Berlin on the corner of Potsdamer Strasse and Kurfurstenstrasse begins its program with a group show.
Paulina Stasik at Henryk Gallery
Paulina Stasik paints tongues, ears, breasts and hands; the body in her paintings is subject to fragmentation and situations she creates are nearly de-realised. A dream of a symbolic merging with an object of emotional interest turns out to be nearly surreal. Only the endless desire remains.
Budapest Pixel - Exhibition of Kristóf Szabó (KristófLab)
Kristóf Szabó (KristófLab) is an artist observing urbanisation and the changes of various living spaces and their layers of significance. On his latest exhibition the surrounding reality is displayed in details, while Budapest manifests in single pixels.
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