Aline Cautis's solo show at SABOT
SABOT presents the third solo show by Aline Cautis, entitled 'Searchers'.
Yusuke Fukui at the ENA Viewing Space
Fukui Yusuke’s new series, Hidden Numbers consists six paintings, which are pointing on different dates from history on abstract surfaces. The basic inspiration came from the wall textures of Tokyo underground during its renewal process at the beginning of 2017.
Blood, Stop, Space, Gold at José De La Fuente
Being engaged in a ceaseless process of negotiation and construction, the body is seen today as something which needs to be permanently invented and reinvented through strategies of self–projection, identification, rejection, adaptation, empathy, in a plural and fluid matter. The exhibition Blood, Stop, Space, Gold questions the topics of embodiment, appearance and touching through the four artistic discourses selected here.
Dimora Artica presents in Milan the exhibition Love Drone, a selection of artworks expressly developed by the artist during 2018 for this venue. In this show, Mit Borrás deals through installations and videos with themes such as technology, progress and the intervention of the human being on nature. Born in Madrid in 1982, Mit Borrás lives and works between Madrid and Berlin.
First I Have to Put My Face On
The exhibition First I Have to Put My Face On originates from an interest in beauty labor and emotional labor, and how the combined efforts of this labor result in how many of us create our identities and present ourselves to society at large.
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