Pakui Hardware at EXILE in Vienna
New EXILE space in Vienna and inaugural exhibition A Return to Sweetness by Pakui Hardware.
Jesús Herrera Martínez at White Noise Gallery
For his second solo show at White Noise Gallery, Spanish painter Jesús Herrera Martínez presents a new cycle of works entitled “Taking Care of the Garden of Eden”. Giving his own representation of nature, Jesus reflects on the physical impossibility for the artist to give an objective and detached portrait of reality.
Fabio Santacroce at PINA Vienna
Pina Cienna is pleased to present "SEPTEMBER", a solo show by Fabio Santacroce.
In-ruins - International Contemporary Art Research Project
From the 27th to the 10th of September, the archaeological park of Scolacium, in the South of Italy, has hosted the first edition of the international artist residency In-Ruins, featuring 10 artists from different countries in collaboration with Fondazione Armonie D’Arte.
Sarah Fonzi's Elevator Conformity at Horizont
Sarah Fonzi has been in Budapest for 6 weeks participating in the newly started BuBu, Budapest – Buffalo Art Resident Exchange Program, by Katalin Mechtler. The first Hungarian artist and first in the exchange program from Hungary is Zsófia Barabás.
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