Tom Putman's exhibiton at Moira in Utrecht.

Tom Putman: Fake Roses
Curated by Sascia Vos
December 1 – December 22, 2019
Moira, Utrecht, Netherlands

Tom Putman creates sculptural objects that are seemingly recognizable, often appropriating the symbolism of objects from our immediate surroundings. He is fascinated how function of such objects determine its appearance and perception. This inextricably link between observation and functionality makes it difficult to purely look at the formal qualities of everyday objects, such as their shape, color and material, without having associative thoughts about what you can do with the object. Putman tries to disrupt the associations and interpretations of everyday objects by deforming and adapting recognizable figurative elements. Specifically within this exposition is Putman blurring the line between what is real and what is fake – what is genuine and what is artificial. 

Tom Putman (the Netherlands, 1994) studied sculpture at AKI ArtEZ in Enschede, the Netherlands. He has exhibited at Ron Mandos Gallery
Amsterdam, De Fabriek Eindhoven, Sign Groningen, Moira Utrecht.


Photo: Tom Putman