Fukui Yusuke’s new series, Hidden Numbers consists six paintings, which are pointing on different dates from history on abstract surfaces. The basic inspiration came from the wall textures of Tokyo underground during its renewal process at the beginning of 2017.

Yusuke Fukui: Hidden Numbers
Curated by Peter Bencze
26 June - 26 July 2018
ENA Viewing Space, Budapest

Regarding the materials, he is using shell powder, oil and acrylic to build up structures similar to what he saw under the ground in the Japanese capital. Fukui’s fresh canvases have many layers, not only physical, but conceptual as well, such as the cities and buildings people live in have their own marks and layers left by natural or human catastrophes.

History comes in with numbers, these dates are not always happy ones, but all of them are important in case of showing how people can stand up and build up a new brighten future for themselves even from chaos.

Photo credit: Aron Weber, courtesy of the artist and Everybody Needs Art